
Book / Book chapters

  1. Wu, C.N., Cheng, Y. (2021) Chapter 21 Downer Reactors in Essentials of Fluidization Technology, eds. by John Grace, X.T. Bi, John Wiley & Sons.
  2. 程易,刘昌俊(2020)低温等离子体化工,化学工业出版社.
  3. Cheng, Y., Wei, F., Jin, Y. (2017) Multiphase Reactor Engineering, John Wiley & Sons.
  4. 程易,王铁峰 (2016). 多相流测量技术及模型化方法,化学工业出版社.
  5. Zhu, J.X., Cheng, Y. (2016). Fluidized-Bed Reactors and Applications, In: Multiphase Flow Handbook, CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group)
  6. 程易[编译] H. 斯科特福格勒 [著] 化学反应工程原理(第六版),化学工业出版社,2023.

Journal Papers


  1. Feng K, Qian SR, Zhang Z, Li ZW, Sun X, Cheng Y, Yan B.* Functionalization of inert silica to construct Si-O-Ni interfacial sites for stable dry reforming of methane. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 465, 142808. doi: 10.1016/j.cej.2023.142808.
  2. Mu Y, Yan L, Chu BZ, Zhong SQ, Fan JH, Cheng Y.* Prediction of Solubility of Acetylene in Organic Solvents over a Wide Range of Temperature and Pressure. Chemical Engineering Science, 2023: 118824. doi: 10.1016/j.ces.2023.118824.
  3. Wang ST, Wang H, Cheng Y.* Numerical simulation of mixing-induced dynamic interfacial tension inside droplet by lattice Boltzmann method. Chemical Engineering Science, 2023, 270: 118510. doi: 10.1016/j.ces.2023.118510.
  4. Wang ST, Wang H, Wu YT, Cheng Y.* Numerical simulation of the droplet formation involving fluids with high viscosity ratio by lattice Boltzmann method. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35, 063107. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0151374
  5. Wu YT, Chen YX, Wang ST, Liu Z, Cheng Y.* Controlled preparation of alginate microcapsules with multiphase oil cores using microfluidic chip. Chemical Engineering Science, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.ces.2023.118853.
  6. Wang YJ, Qian SR, Chen YX, Yan B, Cheng Y.* Effect of the Calcination Temperature of LaNiO3 on the Structural Properties and Reaction Performance of Catalysts in the Steam Reforming of Methane. Catalysts, 2023, 13(2): 356. doi: 10.3390/catal13020356.
  7. Chen YX, Yan B, Cheng Y.* State-of-the-Art Review of Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Ethane to Ethylene over MoVNbTeOx Catalysts. Catalysts, 2023, 13(1): 204. doi: 10.3390/catal13010204.
  8. ]
  9. Chen YX, Yan BH, Cheng Y.* Microporous exposure on catalytic performance of MoVNbTeOx mixed metal oxides in the oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane. Journal of Catalysis, 2023, 426: 308-318.
  10. Chen YX, Wu YT, Li ZW, Zheng YY, Yan BH,* Cheng Y.* A Raspberry Pi Pico Based Low-Cost, Research-Grade, Open-Source Thermal Conductivity Cell Detector for Chemical Laboratory Analysis. Journal of Chemical Education, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jchemed.3c00488
  11. Fu Z, Hua F, Yang SQ, Wang HZ, Cheng Y.* Evolution of light olefins during the pyrolysis of polyethylene in a two-stage process. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2023: 169: 105877. doi: 10.1016/j.jaap.2023.105877.
  12. Hua F, Fu Z, Yang SQ, Wang HZ, Cheng Y.* Simulating polyethylene pyrolysis from a generalized molecular-level kinetic model. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2023, 170: 105913. doi: 10.1016/j.jaap.2023.105913.
  13. Ali M, Cheng Y*, Li Y, An H, Jin Y. Direct conversion of poor-quality residual oil to light gases in electricity-driven thermal plasma reactor. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2023, 101(1): 137-146. doi: 10.1002/cjce.24608.
  14. Fu Z, Sun QD, Hua F, Yang SQ, Ji Y, Cheng Y. A molecular-level kinetic model for the primary and secondary reactions of polypropylene pyrolysis. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2023, 175: 106182.
  15. Qian SR, Feng K, Li ZW, Chen YX, Sun XH, Wang YJ, Yan BH, Cheng Y. Insight into the Dynamic Evolution of Co3Mo3N Bimetallic Nitride Surface During Ammonia Synthesis. ACS Catalysis, 2023, 13(21): 13846-14475.
  16. Wu YT, Wang ST, Liu Z, Cheng Y. Developing thermodynamically stable core-shell and Janus droplets to co-encapsulate hydrophilic and hydrophobic actives. Chem Eng Sci, 2024, 284: 119469.
  17. Wu YT, Lv BY, Wang ST, Liu Z, Chen XD, Cheng Y. Study of molecular interaction and texture characteristics of hydrocolloid-mixed alginate microspheres: as a shell to encapsulate multiphase oil cores. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2024, 326, 121603.
  18. 金涌, 程易, 白丁荣, 张晨曦, 魏飞. 中国流态化技术研发史略.化工进展, 2003, 6: 1-20. doi: 10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2023-0218.
  19. 付哲,阎丽芳,程易. 将理想化处理与非理想化的实验相结合实现气液反应动力学测量. 广东化工,2023
  20. 穆垚,程易. 基于本质安全的新型乙炔溶解度测量方法. 低碳化学与化工,2023: 1-6. DOI: 10.12434/j.issn.2097-2547.20230171
  21. 钟夏临,黄天孝,王雅宁,程易,王铁峰,颜彬航*. 模块知识融合反应工程大作业设计与思考. 化工高等教育,2023


  1. Dang, D., Chen, Y.X., Chen, X., Feng, K., Yan, B.H.*, Cheng, Y.* Phase-pure M1 MoVNbTeOx/TiO2 nanocomposite catalysts: high catalytic performance for oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane. Catalysis Science & Technology, 2022, 12 (4): 1211-1219.
  2. Yan, P., Chen, Y.X., Cheng, Y.* Industrially potential MoVNbTeOx@FoamSiC structured catalyst for oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 427, 131813.
  3. Yan, L.F., Wang, S.T., Cheng, Y.* Numerical simulation of mixing process in a splitting-and-recombination microreactor. Frontiers in Chemical Engineering, 2022, doi: 10.3389/fceng.2021.803861.
  4. Wang, H., Wang, S.T., Wang, Y.J., Fu, Y.H., Cheng, Y.* Ternary fluid lattice Boltzmann simulation of dynamic interfacial tension induced by mixing inside microdroplets. AIChE Journal, 2022, 68 (3), e17519.
  5. Qian, S.R., Chen, Y.X., Yan, B.H.*, Cheng, Y.* Plasma treated M1 MoVNbTeOx–CeO2 composite catalyst for improved performance of oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane. Green Energy & Environment, 2022, doi:10.1016/j.gee.2022.01.001
  6. Chen, Y.X., Dang, D., Yan, B.H., Cheng, Y.* Mixed metal oxides of M1 MoVNbTeOx and TiO2 as composite catalyst for oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane. Catalysts, 2022, 12 (1): 71; https://doi.org/10.3390/catal12010071
  7. Chen, Y.X., Qian, S.R., Feng, K., Wang, Y.J., Yan, B.H.*, Cheng, Y.* MoVNbTeOx M1@CeO2@Cordierite structured catalysts for ODHE process. Chemical Engineering Science, 2022, 253: 117597.
  8. Hua, F., Cheng, Y., Cheng, Y.*. Numerical study of methane to acetylene process in novel thermal plasma array reactor. Chemical Engineering Journal Advances, 2022, 11: 100309.
  9. Ali, M., Cheng, Y.*., Li, Y., An, H., Jin, Y. Direct conversion of poor-quality residual oil to light gases in electricity-driven thermal plasma reactor. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2022, doi: 10.1002/cjce.24608.
  10. Yan, P., Cheng, Y.* Design and operational considerations of packed-bed membrane reactor for distributed hydrogen production by methane steam reforming. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2022, 47: 36493-36503. doi: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2022.08.220.
  11. Yan, P., Cheng, Y.*. Foam structured membrane reactor for distributed hydrogen production. Journal of Membrane Science, 2022, 661: 120927.
  12. Hua, F., Fu, Z., Cheng, Y.*. A simplified and effective molecular-level kinetic model for plastic pyrolysis. Chemical Engineering Science, 2022, 253: 118146. doi: 10.1016/j.ces.2022.118146
  13. Chen, Y.X., Dang, D., Yan, B.H.*, Cheng, Y.*. Nanocomposite catalysts of non-purified MoVNbTeOx with CeO2 or TiO2 for oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane, Chemical Engineering Science, 2022, 253: 118154. doi: 10.1016/j.ces.2022.118154.
  14. Qian, S.R., Chen, Y.X., Wang, Y.J., Yan, B.H.*, Cheng, Y.*. Identification of the intrinsic active site in phase pure M1 catalyst for oxidation dehydrogenation of ethane by density functional theory calculation, Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C, 2022, 126, 41, 17536–17543.
  15. Chen, Y.X., Qian, S.R., Feng, K., Li, Z.W., Yan, B.H.*, Cheng, Y.*. Determination of Highly Active and Selective Surface for the Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Ethane over Phase-pure M1 MoVNbTeOx Catalyst, Journal of Catalysis, 2022, 416: 277–288.
  16. 王世腾, 程易. 化学反应工程课程停留时间分布理论的教学案例. 化工高等教育, 2022, 39 (04): 116-121.
  17. 闫鹏, 程易. 化学反应工程课程案例教学之膜反应器基本原理及应用. 化工高等教育, 2022, 39 (03): 151-156.
  18. 程易, 颜彬航, 卢滇楠. 浅析案例教学在反应工程基础课程教学中的应用. 化工高等教育, 2022, 39 (01): 134-142.
  19. 闫鹏, 程易. 用于分布式制氢的甲烷蒸汽重整膜反应器的数值模拟. 化工进展, 2022, 41 (07): 3446-3454.
  20. 阎丽芳, 储博钊, 钟思青, 程易. 微反应器中乙炔法合成N-乙烯基吡咯烷酮的过程研究. 化工进展, 2022, 41 (06): 2902-2909.


  1. Wang, H., Jiang, G.M., Han, Q., Cheng, Y.*. Formation of magnetic Ionic Liquid-water Janus droplet in assembled 3D-printing microchannel. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 406: 126098.
  2. Yan, L.F., Chu, B.Z., Zhong, S.Q., Fu, Z. Cheng, Y.*. Synthesis of N-vinyl pyrrolidone by acetylene process in a microreactor. Chemical Engineering Journal Advances, 2021, 2:10018-10024.
  3. Li, Y., Hua, F., An, H., Cheng, Y.*. Experimental study of laser pyrolysis of coal and residual oil, Fuel, 2021, 283: 119290.
  4. 程易, 颜彬航, 卢滇楠. 反应工程中的停留时间分布理论教学点滴. 化工高等教育, 2021, 38 (06): 140-145.
  5. 程易,颜彬航,卢滇楠. 反应工程基础教学的实施及“后疫情”时代教学的思考. 化工高等教育,2021,38(1): 3-9.


  1. Wang, H., Fu, Y.H., Wang, Y.J., Yan, L.F., Cheng, Y.*. Three-dimensional lattice Boltzmann simulation of Janus droplet formation in Y-shaped co-flowing microchannel. Chemical Engineering Science, 2020, 225: 115819.
  2. Li, Y.K., Yan, L.F., Zhang, Q.F., Yan, B.H.*, Cheng, Y.*. A recyclable heterogeneous-homogeneous-heterogeneous NiO/AlOOH catalysis system for hydrocarboxylation of acetylene to acrylic acid. RSC Advances, 2020, 10(3):1634-1638.
  3. Kim, S.J., Wang, H., Yan, L.F., Zhang, X., Cheng, Y.*. Continuous preparation of itraconazole nanoparticles using droplet-based microreactor. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 393: 124721-124728.
  4. Wang, H., Fu, Y.H., Wang, Y.J., Yan, L.F., Cheng, Y.*. Three-dimensional lattice Boltzmann simulation of Janus droplet formation in Y-shaped co-flowing microchannel. Chemical Engineering Science, 2020, 225: 115819-115831
  5. An, H., Li, Y., Hua, F., Li, T.Y., Cheng, Y., Cheng, Y.*. Kinetic analysis of catalytic slurry oil pyrolysis using thermogravimetric analysis. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2020, 142: 1469–1475.
  6. Liang, Y.S., Guo, C.Y., Zhao, X.L., Qin, Q., Cheng, Y., He, L.X. CPFD simulation on particle behaviour in an entrained-flow gasifier. Clean Energy, 2020, 4(1): 75–84.
  7. 张春武,程易. 直链烷烃脱氢催化剂工业应用优化研究. 当代化工, 2020, 49(1): 208-211.


  1. Fu, Y.H., Wang, H., Zhang, X., Bai, L., Jin, Y., Cheng, Y.*. Numerical simulation of liquid mixing inside soft droplets with periodic deformation by a lattice Boltzmann method. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2019, 98: 37-44.
  2. Cao, C.X., Dang, D., Li, Y.K., Xu, J., Cheng, Y.*. Strategy for multiscale numbering-up of microstructured catalytic reactors: a numerical study based on the resistance network model. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2019, 98: 70-77.
  3. Chen, X., An, H., Chu, B.Z., Cheng, Y. *. Oxygen transmission bridge in solid phase - MnOx promoted phase-pure M1 MoVNbTe oxide for ethane oxidative dehydrogenation. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2018, 2019, 95: 103-111.
  4. Wang, J., Cheng, Y.*, Li, X.B.*. Experimental and LBM simulation study of bubbles merging effect on flow boiling, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 132:1053-1061
  5. Yan, L.F., Wang, H., Bai, L., Fu, Y.H., Cheng, Y.*. Suzuki-Miyura cross-coupling reaction in droplet-based microreactor. Chemical Engineering Science, 2019, 207: 352–357.
  6. Chen, H.J., Zhang, X., Cheng, Y.*, Qian, F.*. Preparation of smectic itraconazole nanoparticles with tunable periodic order using microfluidicsbased anti-solvent precipitation. CrystEngComm, 2019, 21(14): 2362-2372
  7. Ma, H.Q., Zhao, Y.Z.*, Cheng, Y.*. CFD-DEM modeling of rod-like particles in a fluidized bed with complex geometry. Powder technology, 2019, 344: 673-683.
  8. Wang, H.J., Mustafa, M., Yu, G., Ostman, M., Cheng, Y., Wang, Y.J., Tysklind, M. Oxidation of emerging biocides and antibiotics in wastewater by ozonation and the electro-peroxone process. Chemosphere, 2019, 235, 575-585.
  9. Wang, H. J., Su, L., Zhu, S., Zhu, W., Han, X., Cheng, Y., Yu, G., Wang, Y. J. Optimization of the Electro-Peroxone Process for Micropollutant Abatement Using Chemical Kinetic Approaches. Molecules, 2019, 24 (14): 14.
  10. Wang, H. J., Mustafa, M., Yu, G., Ostman, M., Cheng, Y., Wang, Y. J., Tysklind, M. Oxidation of emerging biocides and antibiotics in wastewater by ozonation and the electro-peroxone process. Chemosphere, 2019, 235: 575-585.
  11. 李天阳, 安航, 李岳, Rehmet Christophe, 程炎, 程易. 热等离子体裂解甲烷制乙炔过程的数值模拟. 化工进展, 2019, 38(8): 3572-3582.
  12. 梁咏诗, 赵香龙, 秦强, 郭屹, 程易. 气流床气化炉的CPFD数值模拟. 化工学报, 2019, 70(9): 3291-3299.
  13. 胡明, 徐鹏程, 邵哲如, 程易, 孙丽娟, 王婷婷, 齐景伟. 危废焚烧灰渣等离子熔融系统的热力学分析. 工程热物理学报, 2019, 40(3): 690-696.


  1. Bai, L., Fu, Y.H., Yao, M., Cheng, Y.*. Enhancement of mixing inside ionic liquid droplets through various micro-channels design. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 332: 537-547
  2. Dang, D., Chen, X., Yan, B.H., Li, Y.K., Cheng, Y.*. Catalytic performance of phase-pure M1 MoVNbTeOx/CeO2 composite for oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane. Journal of Catalysis, 2018, 365: 238–248.
  3. Zhang, X., Chen, H.J., Qian, F.*, Cheng, Y.*. Preparation of itraconazole nanoparticles by anti-solvent precipitation method using a cascaded microfluidic device and an ultrasonic spray drier. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2018, 334: 2264-2272.
  4. Zhang, X., Yang, Q.L., Mao, D., Cheng, Y.*. Experimental study on gas-solid chlorination of high-density polyethylene, International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 2018.
  5. An, H., Cheng, Y., Li, T.Y., Li, Y., Cheng, Y.*. Numerical analysis of methane pyrolysis via thermal plasma for oriented synthesis of acetylene. Fuel Processing Technology. 2018, 172: 195–199
  6. Fu, Y.H., Bai, L., Zhao, S.F., Zhang, X., Jin, Y., Cheng, Y.*. Simulation of reactive mixing behaviors inside micro-droplets by a lattice Boltzmann method. Chemical Engineering Science, 2018, 181: 79-89.
  7. Xu, P.C., Hu, M., Shao, Z.R., Cheng, Y.*. Thermodynamic analysis of steam gasification of municipal solid waste. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 2018, 40(6): 623-629.
  8. Cao, C.X., Dang, D., Li, Y.K., Xu, J., Cheng, Y.*. Managing temperature uniformity of thermally integrated micro reformers with different axial dimensions: A detailed numerical study. Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification, 2018, 132: 218-228
  9. Xu, P.C., Hu, M., Shao, Z.R., Cheng, Y.*. Thermodynamic analysis of steam gasification of municipal solid waste. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 2018, 40(6): 623-629.
  10. 曹晨熙,张辇,储博钊,程易. 微结构反应器气固相催化过程强化的研究与工业化进展. 化工学报,2018, 69(1): 295-308.
  11. 冯雪兰,程易. 气液等离子体过程强化技术及其在高级氧化过程的应用. 化工进展,2018, 37(4): 1247-1256.
  12. 胡明, 虎训, 杨凌志, 邵哲如, 程易, 徐鹏程. 危险废物焚烧灰渣多元氧化物体系平衡相关系及液相区计算。环境工程技术学报, 2018, 8(4):40-47.
  13. 胡明, 虎训, 邵哲如, 程易, 孙俪娟, 宫臣. 等离子体熔融危废焚烧灰渣中试试验研究。工业加热, 2018, 47(2):13-19.
  14. 胡明, 虎训, 邵哲如, 程易, 宫臣, 王婷婷, 徐鹏程, 齐景伟. 铁矾渣热分解行为及焙烧脱硫机理研究。有色金属(冶炼部分), 2018,(4):33-39.
  15. 胡明, 宫臣, 邵哲如, 程易, 孙丽娟, 徐鹏程, 虎训. 危废焚烧灰渣的等离子熔融特性研究。工业加热, 2018, 47(2):5-10.


  1. Cheng, Y., Li, T.Y., Rehmet, C., An, H., Yan, B.H., Cheng, Y.*. Detailed kinetic modeling of chemical quenching processes of acetylene-rich gas at high temperature. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 315: 324–334.
  2. Cheng, Y., Li, T.Y., An, H., Li, Y., Cheng, Y*. Modeling pyrolysis of asphalt using chemical percolation devolatilization theory, Fuel, 2017, 206: 364–370.
  3. Li, T.Y., Rehmet, C., Cheng, Y., Jin, Y., Cheng, Y.* Experimental comparison of methane pyrolysis in thermal plasma. Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, 2017,37(4): 1033-1049.
  4. Xu, P.C., Jin, Y., Cheng, Y.*. Thermodynamic analysis of gasification of municipal solid waste. Engineering, 2017, 3: 416-422
  5. Yan, B.H., Cheng, Y., Li, T.Y., Cheng, Y.*. Detailed Kinetic Modeling of Acetylene Decomposition/Soot Formation during Quenching of Coal Pyrolysis in Thermal Plasma. Energy, 2017, 121: 10-20.
  6. Cao, C.X., Zhang, N, Dang, D., Cheng, Y.*. Hybrid modeling of integrated microchannel methane reformer for miniaturized GTL application using an effectiveness factor submodel based on complex surface chemistry. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 316: 715-726.
  7. Cao, C.X., Zhang, N, Dang, D., Cheng, Y.*. Numerical evaluation of a microchannel methane reformer used for miniaturized GTL: Operating characteristics and greenhouse gases emission, Fuel Processing Technology, 2017, 167: 78-91.
  8. Fu, Y.H., Bai, L., Zhao, S.F., Jin, Y., Cheng, Y.*. Theoretical analysis and simulation of obstructed breakup of micro-droplet in T-junction under an asymmetric pressure difference. Physics of Fluids, 2017,29, 032003.
  9. Fu, Y.H., Bai, L., Luo, K.H., Cheng. Y.*. Modeling mass transfer and reaction of dilute solutes in ternary phase system by lattice Boltzmann method, Physical Review E, 2017, 95(4): 043304
  10. Fu, Y.H., Bai, L., Bi, K.X., Zhao, S.F., Jin, Y., Cheng, Y.*. Numerical study of Janus droplet formation in microchannels by a lattice Boltzmann method. Chem Eng & Processing, 2017, 119: 34-43.
  11. Bai, L., Fu, Y.H., Cheng, Y.*. Ionic liquid based Suzuki coupling reaction: from batch to continuous microflow system. Journal of Flow Chemistry, 2017, 7: 52–56.
  12. Zhang, N., Chen, X., Cao, C.X., Chu, B.Z., Jin, Y., Cheng, Y.*. Catalytic performance of Ni catalyst for steam methane reforming in a micro-channel reactor at high pressure. Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification, 2017, 118: 19-25.
  13. Shao, T., Bai, L., Yan, B.H., Jin, Y., Cheng. Y.*. Modeling the solidification of O/W-emulsion droplet in solvent evaporation technique. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2017, 122: 233-242.
  14. Chen, X., Cheng, Y., Li, T.Y., Cheng, Y.*. Characteristics and applications of plasma assisted chemical processes and reactors. Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, 2017, 17: 68-77.
  15. An, T., Dang, D., Cheng, Y.*. Effect of Reduction and Carburization Pretreatment on Iron Catalyst for Synthesis of Light Olefins from CO Hydrogenation. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 2017, 33(4): 672-677.


  1. Yang, Q.L., Lu, W., Cao, T.F., Bai, L., Yang, R., Cheng, Y.*. Plasma-assisted synthesis of chlorinated poly (vinyl chloride) (CPVC) in a plasma circulating fluidized bed reactor (PCFBR). Plasma Process Polym, 2016, 13(3): 387-396
  2. Rehmet, C., Cao, T.F., Cheng, Y.*. Numerical study of Si nanoparticles formation by SiCl4 hydrogenation in RF plasma. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2016, 25(2): 025011(14).
  3. Cheng, Y., Yan, B.H., Li, T.Y., Cheng, Y.*. Kinetics modeling of deoiled asphaltene particle pyrolysis in thermogravimetric analysis. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2016, 124(3): 1661-1670.
  4. Cheng, Y., Li, T.Y., Yan, B.H., Cheng, Y.*. Particle-scale Modeling of Asphaltene Pyrolysis in Thermal Plasma. Fuel, 2016, 175: 294-301
  5. Bai, L. Fu, Y.H., Zhao, S.F., Cheng, Y.*. Droplet formation in a microfluidic T-junction involving highly viscous fluid systems. Chemical Engineering Science, 2016,145: 141-148
  6. Bai, L., Zhao, S.F., Fu, Y.H., Cheng, Y.*. Experimental study of mass transfer in water/ionic liquid microdroplet systems using micro-LIF technique. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 298: 281–290.
  7. Fu, Y.H., Zhao, S.F., Bai, L., Jin, Y., Cheng, Y.*. Numerical study of double emulsion formation in microchannels by a ternary Lattice Boltzmann method. Chemical Engineering Science, 2016, 146: 126-134.
  8. Fu, Y.H., Bai, L., Zhao, S.F., Jin, Y., Cheng, Y.*. Droplet in droplet: LBM simulation of modulated liquid mixing. Chemical Engineering Science, 2016, 155: 428-437.
  9. Mao, D., Yang, Q.L., Zhang, X., Cheng, Y.*. UV-Enhanced Gas-Solid Chlorination of Polyvinyl Chloride for Cleaner Production of Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride. Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2016, 39(5): 834-840
  10. Feng, X.L., Yan, B.H., Lu, W., Yang, Q.L., Cheng, Y*. Gas-liquid dielectric barrier discharge falling film reactor for the decoloration of dyeing water. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 2016, 91: 431–438.
  11. Cao, C.X., Yang, Q.L., Mao, D., Cheng, Y.* Theoretical investigation on correlation between steric effects and selectivity in gas-solid chlorination of polyvinyl chloride Chemical Engineering Science, 2016, 151: 64–78.
  12. Cao, C.X., Zhang, N., Cheng, Y.*. Numerical analysis on steam methane reforming in a plate microchannel reactor: Effect of washcoat properties. Int J Hydrogen Energy, 2016, 41(42): 18921–18941.
  13. Chu, B.Z., An, H., Chen, X., Cheng, Y.*. Phase-pure M1 MoVNbTeOx catalysts with tunable particle size for oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane. Applied Catalysis A: General, 2016, 524: 56–65.
  14. An, T., Dang, D., Cheng, Y.*. Effect of Reduction and Carburization Pretreatment on Iron Catalyst for Synthesis of Light Olefins from CO Hydrogenation. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 2017, 33 (4), 672-677.
  15. 程炎, 李天阳,金涌,程易*. 热等离子体超高温化学转化的过程研发和应用进展. 化工进展,2016,35(6): 1676-1686.
  16. 冯雪兰,杨千里,王玉珏*,金涌,程易*.气液介质阻挡放电降膜反应器降解甲硝唑实验研究. 环境科学学报, 2016, 36(11): 3965-3970.


  1. Sehabiague, L., Basha, O.M., Hong, Y.M., Morsi, B.*, Shi, Z.S., Jia, H.L., Weng, L., Men, Z.L., Liu, K., Cheng, Y. Assessing the performance of an industrial SBCR for Fischer–Tropsch synthesis: Experimental and modeling. AIChE Journal, 2015,61 (11): 3838–3857
  2. Yan, B.H., Cheng, Y., Cheng, Y.* Particle-scale modeling of coal devolatilization behaviors for coal pyrolysis in thermal plasma reactors. AIChE J. 2015, 61(3): 913-921.
  3. Cheng, Y., Yan, B.H., Li, T.Y., Cheng, Y.*, Li, X., Guo, C.Y. Experimental study on coal tar pyrolysis in thermal plasma. Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, 2015, 35(2): 401-413.
  4. Zhang, H.B., Cao, T.F., Cheng, Y.* Preparation of few-layer graphene nanosheets by RF induction thermal plasma. Carbon, 2015, 86: 38-45.
  5. Yang, Q.L., Lu, W., Bai, L., Yan, B.H., Cheng, Y.* Experimental study of UV enhanced gas-solid synthesis of chlorinated poly vinyl chloride (CPVC) characterized by a UV-Vis online analysis method. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2015, 23: 1052-1059.
  6. Chu, B.Z., Truter, L., Nijhuis, T.A., Cheng, Y.* Performance of phase-pure M1 MoVNbTeOx catalysts by hydrothermal synthesis with different post-treatments for the oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane. Applied Catalysis A: General, 2015, 498: 99-106
  7. Chu, B.Z., Truter, L., Nijhuis, T.A., Cheng, Y.* Oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane to ethylene over phase-pure M1 MoVNbTeOx catalyst in a micro-channel reactor. Cata Sci Tech, 2015, 5: 2807-2813
  8. Zhao, S.F., Riaud, A., Luo, G.S., Jin, Y., Cheng, Y.* Simulation of Liquid Mixing inside Micro-droplets by a Lattice Boltzmann Method. Chemical Engineering Science, 2015, 131: 118-128.
  9. Cao, T.F., Cheng, Y., Zhang, H.B., Yan, B.H., Cheng, Y.* High rate fabrication of room temperature red photoluminescent SiC nanocrystals. Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 2015, 3: 4876 - 4882
  10. Chu, B.Z., An, H., Nijhuis, A., Schouten, J., Cheng, Y.* A self-redox phase-pure M1 MoVNbTeOx/CeO2 nanocomposite as highly active catalyst on oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane. Journal of Catalysis,2015, 329: 471-478
  11. Cao, C.X., Zhang, N., Chen, X., Cheng, Y.* A comparative study of catalytic performances of coated Rh and Ni catalysts in a microchannel reactor for steam methane reforming by CFD with detailed chemistry. Chemical Engineering Science, 2015, 137: 276-286.
  12. Chen, X., Yang, Q.L., Chu, B.Z., An, H., Cheng, Y.* Valence variation of phase-pure M1 MoVNbTe oxide by plasma treatment for improved catalytic performance in oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane. RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 91295 – 91301.
  13. 付宇航,赵述芳,王文坦,白琳,金涌,程易. 微通道内均相反应流动的格子波尔兹曼模拟. 中国科学:化学,2015 , 45(1): 49-56
  14. 赵述芳,白琳,付宇航,金涌,程易. 液滴流微反应器的基础研究及其应用. 化工进展,2015,34(3): 593-608.
  15. 程炎,颜彬航,程易.热等离子体煤制乙炔裂解气烃类循环过程分析.化工学报,2015,66(6): 2227-2234.
  16. 程炎,颜彬航,李天阳,金涌,程易. 煤/煤焦油/沥青质的热等离子体裂解特性比较分析. 化工学报,2015, 66 (8): 3210-3217
  17. 程炎,李天阳,颜彬航,程易. 沥青质热等离子体裂解热力学分析. 石油化工,2015,10: 1168-1176.
  18. 李轩,程炎,韩建涛,郭屹,颜彬航,程易. 氢氩等离子体热解煤焦油制乙炔结焦机理分析. 中国煤炭. 2015, 4: 96-101.
  19. 石战胜卜亿峰门卓武翁力程易刘科. 大尺度浆态床内气含率和气液传质特征. 化学工程,2015,43(9):25-29.


  1. Bai, L., Lu, W., Yang, Q.L., Yan, B.L., *Cheng, Y. (2014)Experimental study and modeling of UV-enhanced PVC chlorination to CPVC using a gas–solid process. AIChE J, 60(6): 2235-2243.
  2. Feng, X.L., Yan, B.H., Lu, W., Jin, Y., *Cheng, Y. (2014) Visualization of coupled mass transfer and reaction in a gas–liquid dielectric barrier discharge reactor. Chem Eng J, 245: 47–55.
  3. Yan, B.H., Cheng, Y., Xu, P.C., Cao, C.X., *Cheng, Y. (2014) Generalized model of heat transfer and volatiles evolution inside particles for coal devolatilization. AIChE J, 60(8): 2893-2906..
  4. Cao, T.F., Zhang, H.B., Yan, B.H., Lu, W., *Cheng, Y. (2014) Optical emission spectroscopy diagnostic and thermodynamic analysis of thermal plasma enhanced nanocrystalline silicon CVD process. RSC Advances, 4(29): 15131-15137.
  5. Riaud, A., Zhao, S.F., Wang, K., Cheng, Y., *Luo, G.S. (2014) Lattice-Boltzmann method for the simulation of multiphase mass transfer and reaction of dilute species. Phys Rev E, 89(5): 053308.
  6. Chu, B.Z., Zhang, N., Zhai, X.L., Chen, X., *Cheng, Y. (2014) Improved catalytic performance of Ni catalysts for steam methane reforming in a micro-channel reactor. Journal of Energy Chemistry, 23(5): 593-600.
  7. Zhang, H.B., Cao, T.F., *Cheng, Y. (2014) Synthesis of nanostructured MgO powders with photoluminesce by plasma-intensified pyrohydrolysis process of bischofite from brine. Green Process Synth, 3(3): 215-222.
  8. Yan, B.H., Cao, C.X., Cheng, Y., Jin, Y., *Cheng, Y. (2014) Experimental investigation on coal devolatilization at high temperatures with different heating rates. Fuel, 117(Part B):1215-1222.
  9. Cao, T.F., Zhang, H.B., Yan, B.H., Lu, W., *Cheng, Y. (2014) SiC nanocrystals: high rate deposition and nano-scale control by thermal plasma. RSC Advances, 4 (90): 49228-49235.
  10. Zhao, S.F., Wang, W.T., Huang, Y.B., Fu, Y.H., *Cheng, Y. (2014) Paclitaxel loaded human serum albumin nanoparticles stabilized with intermolecular disulfide bonds. Med Chem Comm, 5(11): 1658-1663.
  11. 李轩, 韩建涛, 吴昌宁, 郭屹, 颜彬航, *程易. (2014) 热等离子体热解煤焦油制乙炔. 化工学报, 2014, 65 (9): 3680-3686.
  12. 付宇航, 赵述芳, 王文坦, 金涌, *程易. (2014) 多相/多组分LBM模型及其在微流体领域的应用. 化工学报, 2014, 65(7): 2535-2543.
  13. 张海宝, 曹腾飞, *程易. (2014) 高频热等离子体热解水氯镁石沉积氧化镁薄膜. 化工学报, 2014, 65 (10): 4191-4196.


  1. Tian, D.Y., Liu, Z.H., Li, D.D., Shi, H.L., Pan, W.X., *Cheng, Y. (2013) Bimetallic Ni-Fe total-methanation catalyst for the production of substitute natural gas under high pressure. Fuel, 104: 224–229.
  2. Yan B.H., *Cheng, Y., Jin, Y. (2013) Cross-scale modeling and simulation of coal pyrolysis to acetylene in hydrogen plasma reactors. AIChE J, 59(6): 2119-2133.
  3. Wang, W.T., *Huang, Y.B., Zhao, S.F., Shao, T., *Cheng, Y. (2013) Human serum albumin (HSA) nanoparticles stabilized with intermolecular disulfide bonds. Chem Commun, 49: 2234-2236.
  4. Wang, W.T., Shao, T., Zhao, S.F., Jin, Y., *Cheng, Y. (2013) Experimental and numerical study of mixing behavior inside droplets in microchannels. AIChE J, 59(5): 1801-1813.
  5. Zhao, S.F., Wang, W.T., Shao, T., Zhang, M.X., Jin, Y., *Cheng, Y. (2013) Mixing performance and drug nano-particle preparation inside slugs in a gas - liquid microchannel reactor. Chem Eng Sci, 100: 456-463.
  6. Zhang, M.X., Hu, Y.Y., Wang, W.T., Shao, T., *Cheng, Y. (2013) Intensification of viscous fluid mixing in eccentric stirred tank system. Chem Eng Process, 66: 36-43.
  7. Shao, T., Hu, Y.Y., Wang, W.T., *Cheng, Y. (2013) Simulation of solids suspension in a stirred tank using CFD-DEM coupled approach. Chinese J Chem Eng, 21(10): 1069-1081.
  8. Cao, T.F., Zhang, H.B., Yan, B.H., *Cheng, Y. (2013) High rate deposition of nanocrystalline silicon by thermal plasma enhanced CVD process. RSC Advances, 3: 20157-20162.
  9. Shao, T., Feng, X.L., Jin, Y., *Cheng, Y. (2013) Controlled production of double emulsions in dual-coaxial capillaries device for millimeter scale hollow polymer spheres. Chem Eng Sci, 104: 55-63.
  10. 金涌, *程易, 颜彬航. (2013) 化学反应工程的前生、今世和未来. 化工学报, 63(1): 34-43.
  11. 赵述芳, 王文坦, 胡银玉, 邵婷, 金涌, *程易. (2013) 小型搅拌釜内液-液混合研究及纳米药物制备. 化工学报, 64(3): 841-848.
  12. 王文坦, 张梦雪, 赵述芳, 刘喆, 金涌, *程易. (2013) 激光诱导荧光技术在液体混合可视化研究中的应用. 化工学报, 64(3): 771-778
  13. 颜彬航, 卢巍, 冯雪兰, 杨千里, *程易. (2013) 等离子体多相反应器基础研究和过程强化. 化学反应工程与工艺, 29(3): 214-221.


  1. Yan, B.H., Lu, W., *Cheng, Y. (2012) China goes green: cleaner production of chemicals. Green Process Synth, 1(1): 33-48.
  2. Liu, Z.H., Chu, B.Z., Zhai, X.L., Jin, Y., *Cheng, Y. (2012) Total methanation of syngas to synthetic natural gas over Ni catalyst in a micro-channel reactor. Fuel, 95: 599-605.
  3. Yan, B.H., Xu, P.C., Guo, Y., Jin, Y., *Cheng, Y. (2012) Experimental study on coal pyrolysis to acetylene in thermal plasma reactors. Chem Eng J, 207–208: 109–116.
  4. Lu, W., Yang, Q.L., Yan, B.H., *Cheng, Y. (2012) Plasma-assisted synthesis of chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) characterized by online UV-Vis analysis. Chem Eng J, 207–208: 923–930
  5. Wang, W.T., Zhao, S.F., Shao, T., Jin, Y., *Cheng, Y. (2012) Visualization of micro-scale mixing in miscible liquids using mu-LIF technique and drug nano-particle preparation in T-shaped micro-channels. Chem Eng J, 192: 252-261.
  6. Zhao, S.F., Wang, W.T., Zhang, M.X., Shao, T., Jin, Y., *Cheng, Y. (2012) Three-dimensional simulation of mixing performance inside droplets in micro-channels by Lattice Boltzmann method. Chem Eng J, 207–208: 267–277.
  7. Hu, Y. Y., Wang, W. T., Shao, T., Yang, J. C., *Cheng, Y. (2012) Visualization of reactive and non-reactive mixing processes in a stirred tank using planar laser induced fluorescence (PLIF) technique. Chem Eng Res Des, 90: 524-533.
  8. Shao, T., Feng, X.L., Wang, W.T., Jin, Y., *Cheng, Y. (2012) Visualization of coupled mass transfer and reaction between gas and a droplet using a novel reactive-PLIF technique. Chem Eng J, 200-202: 549–558.
  9. Yan, B.H., *Cheng, Y., Jin, Y., Guo, C.Y. (2012) Analysis of particle heating and devolatilization during rapid coal pyrolysis in a thermal plasma reactor. Fuel Process Technol, 100: 1–10.
  10. Yan, B.H., Xu, P.C., Jin, Y., *Cheng, Y. (2012) Understanding coal/hydrocarbons pyrolysis to acetylene in thermal plasma reactors by thermodynamic analysis. Chem Eng Sci, 84: 31-39.
  11. Wang, W.T., Zhao, S.F., Shao, T., Zhang, M.X., Jin, Y., *Cheng, Y. (2012) Numerical study of mixing behavior with chemical reactions in micro-channels by lattice Boltzmann method. Chem Eng Sci, 84: 148-154.
  12. Yan, B.H., Xu, P.C., Li, X., Guo, Y., Jin, Y., *Cheng, Y. (2012) Experimental study of liquid hydrocarbons pyrolysis to acetylene in H2/Ar plasma. Plasma Chem Plasma P, 32(6), 1203-1214.
  13. Feng, X.L., Shao, T., Wang, W.T., Yan, B.H., *Cheng, Y. (2012) Visualization of in Situ Oxidation Process between Plasma and Liquid Phase in Two Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Reactors Using Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence Technique. Plasma Chem Plasma P, 32(6), 1127-1137.
  14. 王文坦, 刘喆, 邵婷, 赵述芳, 金涌, *程易.(2012) 微通道中液滴内部混合过程的μ-LIF可视化和LBM模拟. 化工学报, 63(2): 375-381.
  15. *金涌, 颜彬航, 储博钊, 程易. (2012) 高效、清洁、高附加值原则指导下适度、有序地发展煤化工产业. 煤化工, 40(5): 1-6.
  16. 卢巍, 杨千里, 冯雪兰, 曹腾飞, 颜彬航, *程易. (2012) 低温等离子体氯化聚氯乙烯(CPVC)气固相合成技术. 中国氯碱, 12: 16-19.


  1. *Hu, R.R., Yan, C.F., Xie, L.Y., Cheng, Y., Wang, D.Z. (2011) Selective oxidation of CO in rich hydrogen stream over Ag/OMS-2 catalyst. Int J Hydrogen Energy, 36(1): 64-71.
  2. Wang, W.T., Liu, Z., Jin, Y., *Cheng, Y. (2011). LBM simulation of droplet formation in micro-channels. Chem Eng J, 173(3): 828-836.
  3. Kim, Y.N., Wu, C.N., *Cheng, Y. (2011) CFD simulation of hydrodynamics of gas–solid multiphase flow in downer reactors: revisited. Chem Eng Sci, 66(21): 5357-5365.
  4. Wang, Q., Shi, H.L., Yan, B.H., Jin, Y., *Cheng, Y. (2011) Steam enhanced carbon dioxide reforming of methane in DBD plasma reactor. Int J Hydrogen Energy, 36(14): 8301-8306.
  5. Zhai, X.L., Cheng, Y.H., Zhang, Z.T., Jin, Y., *Cheng, Y. (2011) Steam reforming of methane over Ni catalyst in micro-channel reactor, Int J Hydrogen Energy, 36(12): 7105-7113.
  6. He, Y., *Huang, Y.B., Wang, W.T., *Cheng, Y. (2011) Integrating micromixer precipitation and electrospray drying toward continuous production of drug nanoparticles. Chem Eng J, 168: 931-937.
  7. *Jin, Y., Cheng, Y. (2011) Chemical Engineering in China: Past, Present and Future. Chem Eng Process, 107(4), 14-17.
  8. *Jin, Y., Cheng, Y. (2011) Chemical Engineering in China: Past, Present and Future. AIChE J. 57(3): 552-560.
  9. Lu, W., Cao, T.F., Wang, Q., *Cheng, Y. (2011) Plasma-assisted synthesis of chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) using a gas-solid contacting process. Plasma Process Polym, 8(2): 94-99.
  10. Ding, S., Cheng, Y.H., *Cheng, Y. (2011) Experimental study and modeling analysis of catalytic partial oxidation of methane with addition of CO2 and H2O using a Rh-coated foam monolith reactor. Ind Eng Chem Res, 50(2): 856–865.
  11. Zhai, X.L., Ding, S., Cheng, Y.H., Jin, Y., *Cheng, Y. (2011) Catalytic performance of Ni catalysts for steam reforming of methane at high space velocity. Int J Hydrogen Energy, 36(1): 482-489.
  12. 邵婷, 胡银玉, 王文坦, 金涌, *程易. (2011) 气液传质和反应可视化的激光诱导荧光技术. 化工学报, 62(9): 2422-2426.
  13. 李丹丹, 刘志红, 郭奋, *程易. (2011) 镍基完全甲烷化催化剂的制备及性能评价. 化工进展, 30(S1): 139-142.


  1. Wu, C.N., Yan, B.H., Jin, Y., *Cheng, Y. (2010) Modeling and simulation of chemically reacting flows in gas-solid catalytic and non-catalytic processes. Particuology, 8(6): 525-530.
  2. Shuang, Y., Wu, C.N., Yan, B.H., *Cheng, Y. (2010) Heat transfer inside particles and devolatilization for coal pyrolysis to acetylene at ultra-high temperatures. Energ Fuel, 24(5): 2991-2998.
  3. Zhai, X.L., Ding, S., Cheng, Y.H., Jin, Y., *Cheng, Y. (2010) CFD simulation with detailed chemistry of steam reforming of methane for hydrogen production in an integral micro-reactor. Int J Hydrogen Energy, 35(11): 5383-5392.
  4. Liu, Z., Huang, Y.B., Jin, Y., *Cheng, Y. (2010) Mixing intensification by chaotic advection inside droplets for controlled nanoparticle preparation. Microfluid and nanofluid, 9(4-5): 773-786.
  5. Hu, Y.Y., Liu, Z., Yang, J.C., Jin, Y., *Cheng, Y. (2010) Study on the reactive mixing process in an unbaffled stirred tank using planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) technique. Chem Eng Sci, 65: 4511-4518.
  6. Yan, B.H., Wang, Q., Jin, Y., *Cheng, Y. (2010) Dry reforming of methane with carbon dioxide using pulsed DC arc plasma at atmospheric pressure. Plasma Chem Plasma P, 30(2): 257-266.
  7. Wu, C.N., Chen, J.Q., *Cheng, Y. (2010) Thermodynamic analysis of coal pyrolysis to acetylene in hydrogen plasma reactor. Fuel Process Technol, 91(8): 823-830.
  8. He, Y., Huang, Y.B., *Cheng, Y. (2010) Structure evolution of curcumin nanoprecipitation from a micromixer. Cryst Growth Des. 10: 1021-1024.
  9. Zhao, Y.Z., Ding, Y.L., Wu, C.N., *Cheng, Y. (2010) Numerical simulation of hydrodynamics in downers using a CFD-DEM coupled approach. Powder Technol, 199: 2-12.
  10. Zhao, Y.Z., *Cheng, Y., Wu, C.N., Ding, Y.L., Jin Y. (2010) Eulerian-Lagrangian simulation of distinct clustering phenomena and RTDs in riser and downer. Particuology, 8: 44-50.
  11. Ding, S., Wu, C.N., Cheng, Y.H., Jin, Y., *Cheng, Y. (2010) Analysis of catalytic partial oxidation of methane on Rhodium-coated foam monolith using CFD with detailed chemistry. Chem Eng Sci, 65: 1989-1999.
  12. Wu, C.N., *Cheng, Y., Ding, Y.L., Jin, Y. (2010) CFD-DEM simulation of gas-solid reacting flows in fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) process. Chem Eng Sci, 65(1): 542-549.
  13. Wu C.N., Jin Y., *Cheng Y. (2010) Modelling and simulation of catalytically reacting flows in the fluid catalytic cracking process. Hydrocarbon World, 5(2): 27-30.
  14. 双玥, 吴昌宁, 颜彬航, *程易. (2010) 煤粉高温快速裂解过程的颗粒内部传递行为. 化工学报. 61(12), 3072-3079.
  15. 王文坦,刘 喆,金 涌,*程易. (2010) 微通道中液滴内部速度场的LBM模拟. 中国科技论文在线, 5(12): 911-918.
  16. 颜彬航, 双玥, 王琦, 金涌, *程易. (2010) 直流电弧等离子体甲烷二氧化碳重整反应. 化工学报, 61(11), 2919-2923.
  17. 胡银玉, 刘喆, 杨基础, *程易. (2010) 偏心搅拌反应器内的液相混合行为. 化工学报, 61(10), 2517-2522.
  18. 何艺, *程易, 黄延宾. (2010) 微混合器与静电喷雾一体化可控制备纳米药物. 中国科技论文在线, 5(9): 699-702.
  19. 吴昌宁, 颜彬航, 章莉, 双玥, 金涌, *程易. (2010) 热等离子体裂解煤一步法制乙炔关键技术及过程经济性分析. 化工学报. 61(7): 1636-1644.
  20. 章莉, 颜彬航, 吴昌宁, *程易. (2010) 超短接触反应器气固快分装置的数值模拟. 化工学报, 61(3), 623-628.


  1. Chen, J.Q., *Cheng, Y. (2009) Process development and reactor analysis of coal pyrolysis to acetylene in hydrogen plasma reactor. J Chem Eng Jpn, 42(SUPPL. 1): 103-110.
  2. Wang, Q., Yan, B.H., Jin, Y., *Cheng, Y. (2009) Dry reforming of methane in a dielectric barrier discharge reactor with Ni/Al2O3 catalyst: the interaction of catalyst and plasma. Energ Fuel, 23(8): 4196-4201.
  3. Wang, Q., Yan, B.H., Jin, Y., *Cheng, Y. (2009) Dry reforming of methane in an atmospheric pressure plasma fluidized bed with Ni/γ-Al2O3 catalyst. Catal Today, 148: 275-282.
  4. Ding, S., Yang, Y.Y., Jin, Y., *Cheng, Y. (2009) Catalyst deactivation of Rh-coated foam monolith for catalytic partial oxidation of methane. Ind Eng Chem Res, 48(6): 2878-2885.
  5. Wu, C.N., *Cheng, Y., Jin, Y. (2009) Downer-to-riser coupling technique for petroleum refining. Chem Eng Technol, 32(3): 482-491.
  6. Wang, Q., Yan, B.H., Jin, Y., *Cheng, Y. (2009) Investigation of dry reforming of methane in a dielectric barrier discharge reactor. Plasma Chem Plasma P, 29(3): 217-228.
  7. Liu, Z., *Cheng, Y., Jin, Y. (2009) Experimental study of reactive mixing in a mini-scale mixer by laser-induced fluorescence technique. Chem Eng J, 150(2-3): 536-543.
  8. Wu, C.N., *Cheng, Y., Jin, Y. (2009) Understanding riser and downer based FCC processes by a comprehensive two-dimensional reactor model. Ind Eng Chem Res, 48(1): 12-26.
  9. Hu, Y.Y., Liu, Z., Yang, J.C., Jin, Y., *Cheng, Y. (2009) Millisecond mixing of liquids using a novel jet nozzle. Chem Eng Sci, 64(5): 812-820.
  10. *谭天伟, 元英进, 程易, 张嗣良, 苏志国, 陈坚. (2009) 工业生物技术的过程科学基础研究. 中国基础科学, 11(5): 20-26.
  11. 张忠涛, 翟绪丽, 阳宜洋, *程易 (2009). 微通道反应器内毫秒级甲烷蒸汽重整过程分析. 石油与天然气化工, 38(6): 474-477.
  12. 阳宜洋, 丁石, 金涌, *程易. (2009) Rh/MgO/γ-Al2O3上的毫秒级甲烷蒸汽重整过程. 化工学报, 60(8): 1981-1987.
  13. 丁石, 阳宜洋, 王琦, 胡蓉蓉, 王德峥, *程易. (2009) Rh负载的泡沫独石上甲烷部分氧化的基元反应动力学模拟. 高校化学工程学报, 23(2): 230-235.
  14. 陈家琦, *程易, 熊新阳, 吴昌宁, 金涌 (2009). 热等离子体裂解煤制乙炔的研究进展. 化工进展, 28(3): 361-367.
  15. 丁石, 程音弘, 吴昌宁, 金涌, *程易. (2009) 甲烷部分氧化过程Rh负载的泡沫独石的稳定性. 过程工程学报, 9(2): 375-380.
  16. *王垚, 金涌, 程易, 王金福. (2009) 化学反应工程教学新理念和实践探索. 化工高等教育, 第2期(总第106期): 1-4, 8.
  17. 刘喆, 章莉, 金涌, *程易. (2009) 微反应器与溶剂挥发法制备相变蓄热材料微胶囊. 化工学报, 60(5): 1292-1299.
  18. *赵永志, 程易, 郑津洋. (2009) 三方程线性弹性-阻尼DEM模型及碰撞参数确定. 计算力学学报, 26(2): 239-244.


  1. Wu, C.N., *Cheng, Y., Liu, M.L., Jin, Y. (2008) Measurement of axisymmetric two-phase flows by an improved x-ray-computed tomography technique. Ind Eng Chem Res, 47(6): 2063-2074.
  2. Wu, C.N., *Cheng, Y., Jin, Y. (2008) Modeling the hydrodynamics in a coupled high-density downer-to-riser reactor. Powder Technol, 181(3): 255-265.
  3. Liu, Z., *Cheng, Y., Jin, Y. (2008) Fast liquid jet mixing in millimeter channels with various multislits designs. Ind Eng Chem Res, 47(23): 9744-9753.
  4. Liu, F., Wei, F., Li, G.L., Cheng, Y., Wang, L., Luo, G.H., Li, Q., Qian, Z., Zhang, Q., Jin, Y. (2008) Study on the FCC process of a novel riser-downer coupling reactor (III): Industrial trial and CFD modeling. Ind Eng Chem Res, 47(22): 8582-8587.
  5. Hu, R.R., Xie, L.Y., Ding, S., Hou, H., Cheng, Y., *Wang, D.Z. (2008) CO oxidation and oxygen-assisted CO adsorption/desorption on Ag/MnOx catalysts. Catal Today, 131(1-4): 513-519.
  6. Cheng, Y., Zhu, J. (2008) Hydrodynamics and scale-up of liquid-solid circulating fluidized beds: Similitude method vs. CFD. Chem Eng Sci, 63(12): 3201-3211.
  7. *Cheng, Y., Wu, C.N., Zhu, J.X., Wei, F., Jin, Y. (2008) Downer reactor: From fundamental study to industrial application. Powder Technol, 183(3): 364-384.
  8. *Cheng, Y., Chen, J.Q., Ding, Y.L., Xiong, X.Y., Jin, Y. (2008) Inlet effect on the coal pyrolysis to acetylene in a hydrogen plasma downer reactor. Can J Chem Eng, 86(3): 413-420.
  9. 王琦, 程易, 吴昌宁, *金涌. (2008) 新型节能CO2零排放工艺——化学循环燃烧技术研究进展. 化学进展, 20(10): 1612-1620.
  10. 陈家琦, *程易, 熊新阳, 金涌. (2008) 热等离子体裂解煤制乙炔的研究进展. 化工进展, 27(增刊): 627. (摘要)
  11. 吴昌宁, 陈家琦, 熊新阳, 金涌, *程易. (2008) 氢等离子体裂解煤制乙炔过程的模拟研究. 化工进展, 27(增刊): 626. (摘要)
  12. 丁石, 吴昌宁, 魏小波, 金涌, *程易. (2008) 气固固反应器中吸附增强式水蒸气重整制氢的过程模拟. 化工进展, 27(增刊): 412-417.
  13. *赵永志, 程易. (2008) 水平滚筒内二元颗粒体系径向分离模式的数值模拟研究. 物理学报, 57(1): 322-328.
  14. 吴昌宁, 丁宇龙, 金涌, *程易. (2008) 气固催化反应流动的CFD-DEM模拟研究. 中国科技论文在线, 3(12): 897-904.


  1. Wu, C.N., *Chengs, Y., Ding, Y.L., Wei, F., Jin, Y. (2007) A novel X-ray computed tomography method for fast measurement of multiphase flow. Chem Eng Sci, 62(16): 4325-4335.
  2. Wang, Y., Cheng, Y., Jin, Y., *Bi, H.T.T. (2007) On impacts of solid properties and operating conditions on the performance of gas-solid fluidization systems. Powder Technol, 172(3): 167-176.
  3. Luo, P.C., *Cheng, Y., Zhao, Y.Z., Jin, Y., Yang, W.H. (2007) Millisecond mixing of two liquid streams in a mixer model. Chem Eng Sci, 62(18-20): 5688-5695.
  4. Luo, P.C., *Cheng, Y., Jin, Y., Yang, W.H., Ding, J.S. (2007) Fast liquid mixing by cross-flow impingement in millimeter channels. Chemical Engineering Science, 62(22): 6178-6190.
  5. Li, W.J., Xie, L.Y., Gao, L., Zhao, X.L., Hu, R.R., Cheng, Y., *Wang, D.Z. (2007). The measurement of gas diffusivity in porous materials by temporal analysis of products (TAP). Catal Today, 121(3-4): 246-254.
  6. Hu, R.R., Zhao, X.L., Ding, S., Li, W.J., Cheng, Y., *Wang, D.Z. (2007) Determination of a catalyst powder's active site concentration with a pulse reactor in Knudsen flow. Chem Eng Sci, 62(18-20): 5317-5321.
  7. 赵永志, *程易. (2007) 沉浸管式流化床的颗粒尺度模拟, 化学工程, 35(11): 21-24.
  8. 陈博, *程易, 丁石, 胡蓉蓉. (2007) 火焰法合成纳米TiO2颗粒生长过程分析. 过程工程学报, 7(5): 944-951.
  9. 杜闰萍, 刘喆, *程易, 骆培成. (2007) 平面激光诱导荧光技术用于快速液液混合过程温度场测量. 过程工程学报, 7(5): 859-864.
  10. 胡蓉蓉, 程易, 丁宇龙, *王德峥. (2007) CO在Ag掺杂的氧化锰八面体分子筛上吸附的TAP研究. 化学学报, 65(18): 2001-2006.
  11. 胡蓉蓉, 程易, 谢兰英, *王德峥. (2007) 掺Ag对氧化锰八面体分子筛催化CO氧化性能的影响. 催化学报, 28(5): 463-468.
  12. 赵永志, *程易, 金涌. (2007) 颗粒移动床内不稳定运动的计算颗粒动力学模拟. 化工学报, 58(9): 2216-2224.
  13. 丁石, 胡蓉蓉, 阳宜洋, 王德峥, *程易. (2007) Rh负载的整体型催化剂甲烷催化部分氧化过程研究. 化工学报, 58(9): 2255-2258.
  14. *程易, 陈家琦, 丁石. (2007) 高温气相法可控制备纳米TiO2. 化工学报, 58(8): 2103-2109.
  15. 赵永志, *程易, 丁宇龙, 金涌. (2007) 不同入口结构下行床内气固流动及混合行为的CFD-DEM模拟. 化工学报, 58(6): 1396-1403.
  16. 赵永志, *程易, 丁宇龙, 金涌. (2007) 下行床气粒流动行为的Eulerian-Lagrangian模拟. 化工学报, 58(5): 1163-1171.
  17. 吴昌宁, 丁宇龙, *程易, 金涌. (2007) 基于遗传算法的快速X射线计算机层析成像多相流测试技术(I) 测试原理和数值仿真. 化工学报, 58(2): 353-363.
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  19. 赵永志, *程易, 金涌. (2007) 提升管与下行床颗粒团聚行为的离散颗粒模拟. 化工学报, 58(1): 44-53.
  20. 赵永志, *程易, 金涌. (2007) 二维导流管喷动床离散颗粒动力学模拟. 化学工程, 35(6): 24-28.
  21. 张学佳, *程易, 韩明汉. (2007) 新型内构件填充床反应器数值模拟(I) 气相流场和停留时间分布. 过程工程学报, 7(1): 8-13.


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