


办公电话: +86-10 62773234

E-mail : lijiding@tsinghua.edu.cn

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1982年清华大学化工系毕业,并于1985年研究生毕业,1987年获清华大学博士学位,1990年至1993年在德国Oldenburg大学从事博士后研究。2001年在清华大学化工系晋升为教授。主要的研究领域是膜分离机理、膜过程模拟、膜材料和膜过程集成优化设计。目前的研究工作主要集中于研究聚合物膜微观性质与其宏观分离性能之间的内在联系,即通过引入微观基团慨念,应用统计热力学、微观动力学、结构化学、分子模拟以及膜结构理论,建立聚合物膜传质机理模型,用以指导聚合物膜材料选择、膜制备、膜过程优化和新膜过程开发。在渗透汽化膜技术研究方面,获授权发明专利40多项,鉴定成果5项,发表学术论文500多篇, 2000年获教育部自然科学一等奖,2005年,获第九届中国专利优秀奖,2006年获中国石油和化学学会工业技术发明一等奖、教育部技术发明二等奖、中国膜工业协会科技进步一等奖。2009年获国家技术发明二等奖。


  1. Manquan Fang, Chilung Wu, Zhengjin Yang,Tao Wang,Yang Xia, Jiding Li, ZIF-8/PDMS mixed matrix membranes for propane/nitrogen mixture separation: Experimental result and permeation model validation. Journal of Membrane Science. 2015, 474: 103-113.
  2. Dongju Zheng, Lin Qin, Tao Wang, Xiaojing Ren, Zhongguo Zhang and Jiding Li, Coagulation pretreatment of highly concentrated acrylonitrile wastewater from petrochemical plants, Water Science & Technology, 2014, 70(2):345-351
  3. Tao Wang, Zhongguo Zhang, Xiaojing Ren, Lin Qin, Dongju Zheng, Jiding Li, Direct observation of single- and two-phase flows in spacer filled membrane modules, Separation and Purification Technology, 2014, 125:275–283
  4. Zhengjin Yang, Wei Zhang, Tao Wang and Jiding Li. Improved thiophene solution selectivity by Cu2+, Pb2+ and Mn2+ ions in pervaporative poly[bis(p-methyl phenyl) phosphazene] desulfurization membrane, Journal of Membrane Science, 2014,454:463-469
  5. Zhengjin Yang, Tao Wang, Xia Zhan, Jiding Li, and Jinxun Chen. Poly [bis(p-methyl phenyl) phosphazene] Pervaporative Membranes for Separating Organosulfur Compounds from n-Heptane and Its Surface Functionalization. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research., 2013, 52 (38):13801-13809
  6. Lei Wang, Xiaolong Han, Jiding Li, Lin Qin, Dongju Zheng, Preparation of modified mesoporous MCM-41 silica spheres and its application in pervaporation, Powder Technology,  2012, 231:63-69