Department of Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua University

State Key laboratory of Chemical Engineering

Lu Group


Yangcheng Lu, Professor

State Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering
Department of Chemical Engineering

Tel: +86 10 6277 3017
Fax: +86 10 6277 0304


2003 PhD. Department of Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua University, PR China
1998 BSc. Department of Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua University, PR China


2019-Now Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua University
2007-2019 Associate Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua University

Awards and Honors

  1. National Award for Scientific and Technological Progress (the second prize), 2019
  2. Fundamental Research Award (the first prize), Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China, 2019
  3. Outstanding Young Investigator Award, Chinese Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation, 2013
  4. Hou Debang Chemical Science and Technology Award for Young Investigator, Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China, 2013
  5. National Award for Technological Invention (the second prize), 2012
  6. Natural Science Award (the second prize), Ministry of Education, 2011
  7. Technological Invention Award (the first prize), Chinese Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation, 2011
  8. Science and Technology Progress Award (the first prize), Chinese Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation, 2010
  9. Science and Technology Progress Award (the second prize), Sinopec, 2010
  10. Science and Technology Progress Award (the first prize), Chinese Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation, 2008
  11. Technological Invention Award (the second prize), Sinopec, 2007