Jian Yu(于建)


Education Background
1987---1990, Tokyo University,Japan, Ph.D
1985---1987, Niigata University,Japan, M.S
1972---1975, Tianjin University of Science and Technology,China,
Working Experience
1990---1994, Chief Researcher, Mitsubishi Was Chemical Co.Ltd.
1994----   ,Accosiate Professor, Professor, Tsinghua University.

Research Interests
Polymer-based nanocomposite materials
Polymer blends
Surface and interface of polymer materials
Ageing and degradation of polymer materials
Synthesis and surface modification of nanoparticles.
Natural biomaterials

Way of Contact
Tel: 86-10-62797966(O); Tax: 86-10-62770304
E-mail: yuj@tsinghua.edu.cn

Zhao-Xia Guo(郭朝霞)

Associate Professor

Education Background
1988---1991, Institue Natinal Polytechnique de Grenoble, France, Ph.D
1986---1988, Université de Grenoble-Joseph Fourier,France, M.S
1982---1986, Tianjin University, B.S

Working Experience
1992.6---1993.9,1996.10----1999.12,University of East Anglia,UK,Postdoc.
2000.1---2001.12 Tsinghua University,China,Postdoc.
2002---, Institute of Polymer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University.

Research Interests
Polymer-based Nanocomposite materials
Preparation,characterization and application of nanofiber
Surface modification of nanoparticles and their application in polymer composites
Dispersion of nanoparticles
Modification of natural biomaterials and their biocompatiblity

Way of Contact
Tel: 86-10-62797966(O)
Email: guozx@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn;guozhx@chemeng.tsinghua.edu.cn



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       Designed by Sun Yao·孙尧设计,last updated:15,Aug,2009
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