Dr. Rui YANG, associate professor

Institute of Polymer Science and Engineering
Department of Chemical Engineering
Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084, P.R.China
Tel: 86-10-62797405
Email: yangr@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn
- Advanced Instrumental Analysis of Polymer Materials, for undergraduates
- Advanced Characterization of Polymers, for graduates
- Interface & Surface of Polymer Materials, for undergraduates
Education and working experience
- 1989-1994 Tsinghua University, BS
- 1994-1996 Tsinghua University, MS
- 2002-2005 Tsinghua University, PhD
- 1996-present Department of Chemical Engineering(DCE), Tsinghua University, associate professor since 2004
- 2008-2009 Newcastle University, visiting scholar
- 2013-present Vice director of DCE
Reseach interests
- Aging of polymer materials
By investigating the structural changes, morphology changes and property changes of polymer materials during natural and artificial aging, we try to study the aging mechanism and find out the key factors that contribute to the degradation. Based on these knowledge, we hope to guide study on new materials with long-term stability or inversely, obtain controllable degradability.
Roll of interface chemistry and interfacial area in degradation of polypropylene

Photo-induced grafting and compatibilization

An in-situ stability evaluation system developed in our lab
- Heat storage material based on phase change material (PCM)
PCMs can absorb or release heat during their phase change procedure. This feature can be used in storage of solar energy and thus temperature regulating.
Shape-stabilized PCM is composed of polymer matrix and PCM dispersed in the matrix. It has good processability and can prevent PCM from leakage during heating or cooling. Its applications include house warming, instrument protection from over-heating etc.
When disperse PCM particles in a fluid, we obtain a functional fluid with improved heat transfer ability. In addition, the PCM particles in the fluid are also helpful for the convection enhancement. Therefore, this functional fluid can be used widely in air-conditioner and heat exchanger.
PCM emulsion and fluid test apparatus
- Structure characterization of polymer materials
FTIR, PGC-MS, GPC, etc., are used to study the molecular structure, morphology and reaction of polymer materials.
- Rui Yang, Analytical Methods for Polymer Characterization, CRC Press, 2018
- Xin Wang, Rui Yang, Saffa Riffat, Chapter 1. Inverse Problem for Phase Change Materials and Preparation in Building Envelope, in Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technologies for Building and Environmental Applications, Springer Switzerland,2016
- 杨睿、周啸、罗传秋、汪昆华,《聚合物近代仪器分析》(第三版),清华大学出版社,2010
- Rui Yang and Jian Yu, Chapter 5 Degradation of Polymer Composites p131-170, in Polymer Degradation and Stability Research Developments, edited by Leo B. Albertov, NOVA Science Publishers, 2007
Selected publications:
- Xuan Liu, Jiaohong Zhao, Rui Yang*, Rossana Iervolino, Stellario Barbera, Effect of lubricating oils on thermal aging of nitrile rubber, Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2018, 151, 136-143
- Xuan Liu, Jiaohong Zhao, Rui Yang*, Rossana Iervolino, Stellario Barbera, Thermal aging of hydrogenated nitrile rubber - loss of additives and its effect on elasticity maintenance, Polymery, 2017, 62(7-8), 588-598
- Ling Xu, Jianping Wang, Rui Yang*, A new flame retardance strategy for shape stabilized phase change materials by surface coating, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2017, 170, 87-94
- Zhangpeng Liu, Rui Yang*, Synergistically enhanced thermal conductivity of shape-stabilized phase change materials by expanded graphite and carbon nanotube, Applied Science, 2017, 7, 574
- Xuan Liu, Jiaohong Zhao, Rui Yang*, Rossana Iervolino, Stellario Barbera, A novel in-situ aging evaluation method by FTIR and the application in thermal oxidized nitrile rubber, Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2016, 128, 99-106
- Jiaohong Zhao, Xuan Liu, Rui Yang*, Jian Yu, “Disappearance” of filler - An interesting interface evolution during photo-oxidative aging of polypropylene composites, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2015, 132(38), 11268-11275
- Xuan Liu, Jiaohong Zhao, Ying Liu, Rui Yang*, Volatile components changes during thermal aging of nitrile rubber by flash evaporation of Py-GC/MS, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2015, 113, 193-201
- Jianping Wang, Yi Wang, Rui Yang, Flame retardance property of shape-stabilized phase change materials, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2015, 140, 439-445
- 赵皎宏,李一枫,杨睿*,于建,远程“传染”对聚丙烯光氧老化的影响,高分子学报,2015, 4, 369-373
- Jiaohong Zhao, Rui Yang*, Rossana Iervolino, Stellario Barbera, The effect of thermo-oxidation on the continuous stress relaxation behavior of nitrile rubber, Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2015, 115, 32-37
- Jiaohong Zhao, Rui Yang*, Rossana Iervolino, Stellario Barbera, Investigation of crosslinking in thermo-oxidative aging of NBR, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2015, 132, 41319
- 杨睿,聚合物复合材料老化研究的现状及挑战,高分子材料科学与工程,2015, 31(2), 181-185
- 赵皎宏,杨睿*,于建,界面对聚丙烯/碳酸钙复合材料光氧老化的影响,高分子学报,2014,12:1600-1605
- Bin Du, Rui Yang*, Xuming Xie, Investigation of hydrolysis in poly (ethylene terephthalate) by ATR-FTIR, Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, 2014, 32(2), 230-235
- Jiaohong Zhao, Rui Yang*, Rossana Iervolino, Stellario Barbera, Changes of chemical structure and mechanical property levels during thermo oxidative aging of nitrile rubber, Rubber Chemistry and Technology, 2013, 86(4), 591-603
- Rui Yang*, Jiaohong Zhao, Ying Liu, Oxidative degradation products analysis of polymer materials by pyrolysis gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2013, 98(12), 2466-2472
- Jiaohong Zhao, Rui Yang*, Jian Yu, Interfacial effect on photo-oxidation of PP via model blends, Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2013, 98(10), 1981-1987
Invited presentations
- 裂解闪蒸技术在材料研究中的应用,第17届全国分析与应用裂解学术会议
- 一种涉及气相的原位红外检测新方法,第十届全国高聚物分子与结构表征学术讨论会
- Degradation of polymer materials – from the very beginning, IUMRS International Conference in Asia (IUMRS-ICA 2016)暨中国材料大会2016
- 界面在高分子复杂体系降解中的作用,2016全国高分子材料科学与工程研讨会
- Lifetime prediction of nitrile rubber by a sensitive in-situ stability evaluation method, International Confederation for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (ICTAC 2016)
- 基于红外光谱的高分子材料原位老化评价方法,第八届中美材料环境老化学术研讨会暨第三届高分子材料老化与服役寿命预测国际研讨会
- 高分子材料老化研究及寿命预测-研究方法及实例,2015上海国际汽车耐候老化技术研讨会
- 聚烯烃复合材料的老化行为和机理研究,2013上海国际汽车耐候老化技术研讨会
- Photo-oxidation of polymer composites, 9th International Symposium on Weatherability (ISW) & 3rd International Workshop on Polymer Degradation and Stability