
袁志宏, 博士






  • 2001年9月~2005年7月,中国石油大学(华东)自动化专业,大学本科
  • 2005年9月~2008年7月,中国石油大学(北京)检测技术与自动化装置专业,硕士
  • 2008年9月~2011年7月,清华大学化学工程系化学工程与技术方向,博士
  • 2011年12月~2014年09月,Department of Chemical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University,Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.,Postdoctoral Research Associate
  • 2014年09月~2016年09月,Department of Chemical Engineering, Auburn University,Auburn, Alabama, U.S.A.,Postdoctoral Research Associate
  • 2016年09月~至今,清华大学化学工程系过程系统工程研究所,助理教授,博士生导师



  1. 化工产品-过程集成设计与合成

  2. 提出和建立基于分子设计的化学新产品设计、开发和全生命周期制造模式管理的基础理论、模型建立新技术和系统优化新方法。从多尺度角度揭示化学产品体系结构,探寻相应的化学、物理转化过程,构建产品微结构与产品性能之间的关系进而预测最终化学产品的应用性能,调控不确定条件下的生产操作优化模式

    化工产品-过程集成设计与合成 化工产品-过程集成设计与合成
  3. 过程可操作性分析、控制与调度一体化研究

  4. 构建代理模型驱动的全流程生产计划优化模型;研究指导产品质量的有效监督和控制的稳定性、可控性分析的新方法;开发融合过程可操作特性的生产调度;开发先进控制系统以有效抑制各种干扰;融合全流程生产计划、调度系统、全流程实时调优系统、控制系统,构建全流程实时调控一体化新模块,以提升炼油化工企业的实时感知能力

  5. 数据驱动代理模型构建

  6. 开发面向大数据的稳态和动态数据校正新方法和新框架;研究大数据驱动的稳态和动态数学代理模型的新技术,为生产计划、调度、实时优化模块奠定基础;探索数学代理模型精度可控新策略;提出代理模型在线更新机制;开发并在线运行数据校正与代理模型综合模块



    Journal paper (*Corresponding Author)

    1. Zhihong Yuan, Mario R. Eden*. Superstructure optimization of integrated fast pyrolysis-gasification for the production of liquid transportation fuels and propylene. AIChE Journal. 62(2016) 3155-3176. (Invited paper for AIChE Journal Founders Tribute: Roger W. Sargent).
    2. Zhihong Yuan, Mario R. Eden, Rafiqul Gani. Toward the large-scale deployment of CO2 capture and conversion processes. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 55(2016) 3383-3419. (ACS Editors’ Choice paper)
    3. Zhihong Yuan, Mario R. Eden*. Recent advances in optimal design of thermochemical conversion of biomass to chemicals and liquid fuels. Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering. 10(2015) 70-76.
    4. Zhihong Yuan, Ping Wang, Chaohe Yang, Mario R. Eden. Systematic control structure evaluation for the two-stage-riser catalytic pyrolysis processes. Chemical Engineering Science. 126(2015) 309-328.
    5. Zhihong Yuan*, Ping Wang, Chaohe Yang. Steady-state multiplicity analysis of two-stage-riser catalytic pyrolysis processes. Computers & Chemical Engineering. 73(2015) 49-63.
    6. Ping Wang, Chaohe Yang, Zhihong Yuan. The combination of adaptive Pseudospectral method and structure detection procedure for solving dynamic optimization problems with discontinuous control profiles. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 53(2014) 7066-7078.
    7. Zhihong Yuan, Bingzhen Chen, Rafiqul Gani*. Applications of process synthesis: moving from conventional chemical processes towards biorenewable conversion processes. Computers & Chemical Engineering. 49(2013) 217-229. (This is one of top-ten highest downloaded paper during 2012.10.01~2013.09.30)
    8. Zhihong Yuan, Bingzhen Chen*. Process synthesis for addressing the sustainable energy systems and environmental issues. AIChE Journal. 58(2012) 3370-3389. (This is the top paper and is given priority in the publication process)
    9. Zhihong Yuan, Nan Zhang, Bingzhen Chen*, Jinsong Zhao. Systematic controllability analysis for chemical processes. AIChE Journal. 58(2012) 3096-3109.
    10. Zhihong Yuan, Bingzhen Chen*, Gürkan Sin, Rafiqul Gani. State-of-the-art and progress in optimization based simultaneous design and control for chemical processes. AIChE Journal. 58(2012) 1640-1659. (Featured on Cover)
    11. Zhihong Yuan, Bingzhen Chen*, Jinsong Zhao. Phase behavior analysis for industrial polymerization reactors. AIChE Journal. 57(2011) 2795-2807.
    12. Zhihong Yuan, Bingzhen Chen*, Jinsong Zhao. An overview on controllability analysis of chemical processes. AIChE Journal. 57(2011) 1185-1201.
    13. Zhihong Yuan, Bingzhen Chen*, Jinsong Zhao. Controllability analysis for the liquid-phase catalytic oxidation of toluene to benzoic acid. Chemical Engineering Science. 66(2011) 5137-5147.
    14. Zhihong Yuan, Bingzhen Chen*, Jinsong Zhao. Effects of manipulated variables selection on the controllability of chemical process. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 50(2011) 7403-7413.
    15. Zhihong Yuan, Hangzhou Wang, Bingzhen Chen*, Jinsong Zhao. Operating zone segregation of chemical reaction systems based on stability and non-minimum phase behavior analysis. Chemical Engineering Journal. 155(2009) 304-311.
    16. Hangzhou Wang, Zhihong Yuan, Bingzhen Chen*, Jinsong Zhao. Analysis of the stability and controllability of chemical processes. Computers & Chemical Engineering. 35(2011) 1101-1109.

    Conference paper (*Speaker)

    1. Zhihong Yuan*, Mario R. Eden. Integrated Thermochemical Process for Optimal Co-Production of Liquid Fuels and Chemicals. AIChE annual meeting. San Francisco. Nov. 2016.
    2. Pengcheng Li*, Zhihong Yuan, Mario R. Eden. Process Simulation and Economic Analysis of Producing Liquid Transportation Fuels from Biomass. AIChE annual meeting. San Francisco. Nov. 2016.
    3. Zhihong Yuan*, Mario R. Eden. Integrated biorefinery design for the co-production of premium quality liquid fuels and propylene. 26th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering. Portoroz, Slovenia. June. 2016.
    4. Pengcheng Li*, Zhihong Yuan, Mario R. Eden. A comparative study of Fischer-Tropsch synthesis for liquid transportation fuels production from biomass. 26th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering. Portoroz, Slovenia. June. 2016.
    5. Zachary Wilson*, Alison Cozad, Zhihong Yuan, Nick Sahinidis, David C. Miller. A Reduced-order Building Approach to Simulation-based Optimization of Complex Energy Systems. AIChE annual meeting. Salt Lake City. Nov. 2015.
    6. Zhihong Yuan*, Pengcheng Li, Bernardo Lousada, Mario R. Eden. Integrated thermochemical process design for co-producing liquid fuels and propylene. AIChE annual meeting. Salt Lake City. Nov. 2015.
    7. Bernardo Lousada*, Pengcheng Li, Zhihong Yuan, Mario R. Eden. Process design and simulation of methanol and olefins production from biomass. AIChE annual meeting. Salt Lake City. Nov. 2015.
    8. Pengcheng Li*, Zhihong Yuan, Bernardo Lousada, Mario R. Eden. Process Design and Simulation of Producing Liquid Fuels and Chemicals from Biomass. AIChE annual meeting. Salt Lake City. Nov. 2015.
    9. Zhihong Yuan*, Bernardo Lousada, Pengcheng Li, Mario R. Eden. Systematic Design and Synthesis of Integrated Multi-Product Biorefinery Processes. AIChE annual meeting. Salt Lake City. Nov. 2015.
    10. Ping Wang*, Xuemin Tian, Chaohe Yang, Zhihong Yuan. Economic-oriented NMPC of two-stage-riser catalytic pyrolysis processes for maximizing propylene yield. 9th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes. Whistler, Canada. June. 2015
    11. Zhihong Yuan*, Ping Wang, Chaohe yang, Mario Eden. Systematic control structure evaluation for the two-stage-riser catalytic pyrolysis processes. 12th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering and 25th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering. Copenhagen, Denmark, 31 May – 4 June 2015.
    12. David C. Miller*, Nikolaos V. Sahinidis, Alison L. Cozad, Andrew Lee, Hosoo Kim, Juan Morinelly, John Eslick, Zhihong Yuan. Computational Tools for Accelerating Carbon Capture Process Development. 38th International Technical Conference on Clean Coal & Fuel Systems. Clearwater, FL. June. 2013.
    13. David C. Miller, Nikolaos V. Sahinidis, Hosoo Kim, Andrew Lee, Alison L. Cozad, Zhihong Yuan, Murthy Konda, John Eslick, Juan Morinelly. Synthesis of optimal capture processes using advanced optimization. 11th Annual Conference on Carbon Capture & Sequestration. Pittsburgh, PA. April. 2012.
    14. Zhihong Yuan*, Nick Sahinidis, David Miller. Superstructure Formulation and Optimization for Carbon Capture Process. AIChE annual meeting. San Francisco. Nov. 2013.
    15. Zhihong Yuan*, Alison Cozad, Nick Sahinidis, David Miller. Surrogate Model Based Optimal Synthesis of Solid Sorbent Carbon Capture Process. AIChE annual meeting. Pittsburgh. Oct. 2012.
    16. Zhihong Yuan*, Bingzhen Chen, Jinsong Zhao. Effects of Process Design Parameters on the Controllability of the Industrial Polymerization processes. Symposium on Process Systems Engineering of China.-PSE2010. Qingdao, China. Aug 19. 2010.
    17. Zhihong Yuan*, Hangzhou Wang, Bingzhen Chen, Jinsong Zhao. Controllability Analysis for Chemical Process. The 5th International Symposium on Design, Operation and Control of Chemical Processes. Singapore, July 28. 2010.
    18. Zhihong Yuan*, Hangzhou Wang, Bingzhen Chen, Jinsong Zhao. Analysis and operating zone segregation of anaerobic fermentation system. Symposium on Process Systems Engineering of China.-PSE2010. Hangzhou, China. Sep 25. 2009.